Thursday 1 September 2016

Images formed by flat mirrors

Images formed by flat mirrors
We begin by considering the simplest possible mirror, the flat mirror. Consider a point source of light placed at O in Figure 36.1, a distance p in front of a flat mirror. The distance p is called the object distance. Light rays leave the source and are reflected from the mirror. Upon reflection, the rays continue to diverge (spread apart), but they appear to the viewer to come from a point I behind the mirror. Point I is called the image of the object at O. Regardless of the system under study, we always locate images by extending diverging rays back to a point from which they appear to diverge. Images are located either at the point from which rays of light actually diverge or at the point from which they appear to diverge. Because the rays in Figure 36.1 appear to originate at I, which is a distance q behind the mirror, this is the location of the image. The distance q is called the image distanceimage formed by reflection from a flat mirrorImages are classified as real or virtual. A real image is formed when light rays pass through and diverge from the image point; a virtual image is formed when the light rays do not pass through the image point but appear to diverge from that point. The image formed by the mirror in Figure 36.1 is virtual. The image of an object seen in a flat mirror is always virtual. Real images can be displayed on a screen (as at a movie), but virtual images cannot be displayed on a screen.

We can use the simple geometric techniques shown in Figure 36.2 to examine the properties of the images formed by flat mirrors. Even though an infinite number of light rays leave each point on the object, we need to follow only two of them to determine where an image is formed. One of those rays starts at P, follows a horizontal path to the mirror, and reflects back on itself. The second ray follows the oblique path PR and reflects as shown, according to the law of reflection. An observer in front of the mirror would trace the two reflected rays back to the point at which they appear to have originated, which is point P’ behind the mirror. A continuation of this process for points other than P on the object would result in a virtual image (represented by a yellow arrow) behind the mirror. Because triangles PQR and P’QR are congruent, PQ = P’Q. We conclude that the image formed by an object placed in front of a flat mirror is as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of the mirrorhow to locate the image of an object in front of flat mirrorGeometry also reveals that the object height h equals the image height h’. Let us define lateral magnification M as follows: define lateral magnificationThis is a general definition of the lateral magnification for any type of mirror. For a flat mirror, M = 1 because h’ = h.
Finally, note that a flat mirror produces an image that has an apparent left–right reversal. You can see this reversal by standing in front of a mirror and raising your right hand, as shown in Figure 36.3. The image you see raises its left hand. Likewise, your hair appears to be parted on the side opposite your real part, and a mole on your right cheek appears to be on your left cheek. how to see apparent left–right reversalThis reversal is not actually a left–right reversal. Imagine, for example, lying on your left side on the floor, with your body parallel to the mirror surface. Now your head is on the left and your feet are on the right. If you shake your feet, the image does not shake its head! If you raise your right hand, however, the image again raises its left hand. Thus, the mirror again appears to produce a left–right reversal but in the up–down direction!
The reversal is actually a front–back reversal, caused by the light rays going forward toward the mirror and then reflecting back from it. An interesting exercise is to stand in front of a mirror while holding an overhead transparency in front of you so that you can read the writing on the transparency. You will be able to read the writing on the image of the transparency, also. You may have had a similar experience if you have attached a transparent decal with words on it to the rear window of your car. If the decal can be read from outside the car, you can also read it when looking into your rearview mirror from inside the car.

We conclude that the image that is formed by a flat mirror has the following propertiesproperties of images formed by a flat mirror

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